Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

School Kills Creativity

I've been trying to tell my parents this for years. I shouldn't have had to though, I'm pretty sure my report cards spoke for themselves ;)

Very interesting lecture I discovered today by Sir Ken Robinson on how we need to re-examine our school systems and how they foster creativity.



Another gem courtsey of the RNC:

Personally I prefer

Friar Fronts Italian Metal Band

No joke.

mmm Guinness

Creative advertising or objectifying women?

Hey, I thought it was pretty creative ;)

Monday, July 28, 2008

What's Wrong With What We Eat

Mark Bittman, a New York Times food writer (who is not a vegetarian) explains what's wrong with what Americans eat. He goes quite in depth about how our diet has changed for the worse over the past century, and how it is affecting not only our health, but our environment as well.

You Might Want To Turn That Down A Little

Most of us listen to our music way louder than we should (the Puerto Ricans in my Humboldt Park neighborhood reallllyyyy like to listen to their music at pulsating decibels). We use our IPODS to audibly disconnect from the outside world. And earplugs at concerts are still kinda nerdy. But one in three American Adults are suffering from some degree of hearing loss.

Common risk factors include workplace noise (like my boss yelling all the time?), firearms, and loud music. Smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes may also increase your risk of accruing hearing loss. So put out that cigarette and step away from the cheese burger!

Toyota to Increase Prius Production

Toyota is planning to increase its production of the Prius Hybrid by 70% next year, which will hopefully reduce their insane waiting lists and quite possibly the price of the vehicle.

I rented a Prius in Jackson Hole, Wyoming this past January. I drove approximately 175 miles on half a tank of gas, and it took only about $15 to refill the tank before I retured the car to the rental company. Awesome little cars, and if you are in the market for a new car, definitely consider one. You know, next year when you hopefully won't have to wait so long for one.

Oliver Stone's "W"

They're Worried That You Might Actually Vote

This better not turn into another year 2000 Election debacle.

Election officials are worried that people might actually try to vote this year. The new voting machines coupled with a higher percentage of voters, particularly first timers, are leading officials to predict mass chaos and pandemonium at the ballot box.

Question: How hard is it to select MCCAIN or OBAMA ?? or what's his face, that Libertarian guy?

And who the heck are these election officials training in July for a November election? If they're working on a plan this early in the game, one would think everything is going to move pretty smoothly. I mean, one would think.

The Christian Brady Bunch

"Lo children are a heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward" Psalm 127. And that may be true.

But does anybody else feel the urge to just smack Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar upside the head? They live in Arkansas, have 17 biological children, and are expecting bambino numero 18.

Our planent can clearly not sustain current population levels and the amount of resources that we are consuming. And while the United States and Europe are slowly beginning to move towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, China and India are beinning to consume scary amounts of energy and resources. Have you seen the smog in Beijing? Yeah, that eventually drifts across the Pacific and hits America.

(baby) Factories are generally bad for the environment. If you think children are a blessing and want exponential amounts of them, try adopting. There are loads of unwanted children out there that deserve a good home.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

SAG Sets Stage for Potentially Major uh oh

The Screen Actor's Guild has said no to the suits' final offer.

Unlike the Writer's strike that happened last year, if the Actors decide to walk-out, every major television show and feature film currently in production will be immediately halted.

uh oh.

Can We Ask

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has created a website where you can submit questions you may have for Barack Obama (stop laughing). Anyone can text in questions or upload links to video questions. Some raise very valid questions that need to be addressed by the Obama campaign. Others are downright hilarious, on par with the Fox News Network.

Can We Ask

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Out of Sight Out of Mind

I have an interesting theory. Photographers and the press were pretty much given open access to the Vietnam War, and subsequentially their war reporting streamed through the television and into American living rooms every evening. It was virtually impossible to escape the horrific images of the deadly human toll of war, and possibly why Americans were in an uproar to get our soldiers the hell out of that region.

This time around, the American Military has made it increasingly difficult for the media to obtain access to the battlefront in Iraq and Afghanistan. The government takes the stance that photos of coffins and dead soldiers are not good for morale, and are insulting to the families of those fallen soldiers. But when all we see are names listed in a newspaper, I think that we forget the incredible sacrifice that these people have made for our country. We need more reminders of this.

The New York Times has a good article up right now on the matter: 4,000 U.S. Deaths, and Just a Handful of Public Images.

The NYT mentions the story of Zoriah Miller, a photojournalist who has been banned from Marine-controlled areas of Iraq for publishing photos of fallen soldiers.

Click the photo below to see his photos your government doesn't want you to see.

--Forward from Zoriah, explaining the days events

"My hands still shake and my heart pounds despite my fatigue. A combination of depression, fear, and adrenaline makes my thoughts race with the realization that a simple decision was the only thing that seperated me from a body count that grows daily. I look at the images I took on the 26th of June, and realize they do nothing to capture the emotion of being an eyewitness to the aftermath of the Al-Qaeda suicide attack in Karmah/Garma... the smell... the sound of screams and crying.

I want you to observe and comprehend what others live through on a daily basis -- to see what the Iraqi civilians and foreign soldiers see. I want people who follow my photography to understand that although I am able to bring images of war to the world in a form of art, what actually goes on here is horror. My message is not that war yields great photography. My message is: War yields human misery and suffering.

My eyewitness report and the images contained in the link below are extremely graphic. To see the reality of the Iraq War -- please read and view my entire post by clicking the link below."

In closing I leave you with Amendment I of the Bill of Rights:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

So do you think it's fair that your government doesn't want you to see what your tax dollars are paying for?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Afghanistan, Iraq, and now....Contraceptives

Ah the Bush Legacy. They sure like war. Afghanistan, Iraq, and now they're going to fight with us over access to birth control.

This story came out about a week and a half ago, but it is scary how many people have not heard about it.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is trying to rewrite the definition of abortion to include 40% of the birth control methods Americans use, such as the pill, the patch, the shot, the ring, the IUD, and emergency contraception.

Why does this matter? The HHS' new proposal would allow anyone working in a clinic that receives federal funding (including Medicaid) the right to deny patients contraceptives. Way to punish the poor and un-insured women of our country.

But this proposal could also open up a whole new can of worms. It could invalidate state laws that force insurance providers to cover birth control in policies that offer prescription drug coverage.

So if you're ticked off, you don't want to be potentially forced to pay $75/month for your oral contraceptives, Sign the Petition

Wait, John McCain Had Cancer Three Times?!

Melanoma. The eighth most common cancer in the United States.

John briefly talked about his battle with the disease yesterday evening at The Livestrong Summit hosted by Lance Armstrong.

And you're wondering, why is this important or even relevant? One in three Americans will be diagnosed with cancer. That is a mighty scary number.

Cancer survivors are labeled 'uninsurable' by insurance companies. That makes it incredibly hard to find one that will offer you coverage. Insurance companies are generally for [huge] profit companies. They don't want to touch people that are considered risky business.

You can read a little excerpt about McCain's healthcare plan here. What is his proposed solution for offering insurance to the uninsurable? "He will work with states to create insurance pools for people who have trouble getting coverage because of pre-existing illnesses." Yeah, Illinois already has one of those, and it's not working. I've had ICHIP before, there's a nine month waiting list for enrollment in the plan, and while the coverage offered is amazing, it is extremely expensive and not exactly considered affordable. But hey, I'm sure someone whose wife is worth an estimate $150 million thinks that $350 a month and a $1,000 deductible is a bargain!

My 83 Year Old German Grandmother Probably Had a Heart Attack Yesterday

200,000+ enthusiastic Berliners showed up to hear a Black man from America give a speech yesterday. You've probably heard of this Obama guy. Man, myth, legend, rock star? Wait, he's just some Senator from Illinois? He hasn't even finished his first term, and he's running for President? Craziness.

The speech Obama delivered in the city formerly divided between Western and Communist ideals was not only extremely moving, but immensely inspiring. Put aside your political preferences and listen to his vision for America and repairing it's image and role on the world stage. It just might surprise you:

And fortunately, my German grandmother did not suffer a heart attack yesterday, but I'm pretty sure there were at least several panic attacks. After all, she does vote Republican, and while Obama was in the midst of setting Germany ablaze, Republican Nominee John McCain was munching on sausage at some German restaurant in Ohio. Is Stephen Colbert moonlighting on his campaign staff? Somebody ought to tell McCain that Colbert only plays a conservative on TV.