Sunday, August 3, 2008

Christina Applegate Diagnosed With Breast Cancer at 36

Sad sad sad. She joins the likes of Sheryl Crow, Kylie Minogue and Melissa Etheridge - all diagnosed way before the age of 50 (breast cancer is most prevalent in women between the ages of 55-65).

Christina will be appearing on Stand Up to Cancer's live broadcast that will be televised on all the major networks September 5th. Tune in and show some support.

I haven't really posted much the past few days because I'd been busy creating a short film for Stand Up to Cancer's Film Challenge:

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

School Kills Creativity

I've been trying to tell my parents this for years. I shouldn't have had to though, I'm pretty sure my report cards spoke for themselves ;)

Very interesting lecture I discovered today by Sir Ken Robinson on how we need to re-examine our school systems and how they foster creativity.



Another gem courtsey of the RNC:

Personally I prefer

Friar Fronts Italian Metal Band

No joke.

mmm Guinness

Creative advertising or objectifying women?

Hey, I thought it was pretty creative ;)